Link Building Outreach – Outreach Strategies to Aquire Backlinks

Link Building Outreach – Outreach Strategies to Aquire Backlinks
28 February 2023
Link building is a crucial aspect of SEO that helps to improve website visibility in search results. Backlinks, also known as incoming or inbound links, play a significant role in determining a website's ranking and quality in Google’s eyes. In this article, we’ll explore various link building outreach strategies that can help you acquire high-quality links to your website and take your efforts to the next level. Ready to dive in?
Table of contents:

How to Use Outreach for Link Building and What Is It?

Outreach link building is the process of reaching out to websites and individuals in your industry and asking them to link to your page. Using this strategy has numerous benefits as:
  • Inbound links from reputable websites can improve your website's domain authority and search engine ranking.
  • Quality links can refer to targeted and engaged traffic to your website that may ultimately turn into conversions.
  • Outreach can increase brand visibility and credibility, especially if you obtain links from high-authority websites that serve as experts in the industry.
  • This link building technique can help you build relationships with other website owners, bloggers, and industry influencers. Thanks to it, you’ll be able to continuously work on improving your results.
  • Outreach is a cost-effective way to build your recognition and reach your target audience, compared to other tactics like Google ads.
Overall, outreach is an important component of a comprehensive link building strategy, as it helps improve website visibility, credibility, and referral traffic.

Link Building Outreach Strategies

As you already know, outreach link building can benefit your website in a number of ways. But how to get down to it? There are a few strategies you can try to expand your link profile without spending a fortune.

1. Steal Your Competitor’s Links - the Skyscraper Technique

Have you ever heard about the skyscraper technique? It involves creating content that is better than already existing texts. To do it, you have to find content that is already popular in a particular space and write something even better. Then, you can contact the website with the existing text and ask them to replace this piece with your content. The goal is to encourage other sites to link to the improved piece of content (meaning your content), thus improving your link profile. How to get down to it? 1. Perform a backlink gap analysis to find well-performing articles with numerous backlinks: backlink gap analysis 2. Do your research and create even better, more comprehensive, and updated content. Make sure your texts are longer, cover all aspects related to the topic, and include the most relevant information. 3. Reach out to the linking websites and show them that your article is more valuable than the one they already have on their page. Ask them to link to you instead of your competition. Broken link building is another link building outreach strategy that is worth considering. It involves analyzing industry-related websites, finding external links that don’t work, and then reaching out to website owners to offer them that they can replace broken links with links to quality, thematically-related content on your website. This is an effective strategy beneficial for both you and these websites. Why? Thanks to it, you’ll improve your link profile and the other website owners will be able to get rid of broken links, thus improving UX and ensuring their pages don’t generate errors. How to get down to it?
  • Find thematically-related websites where you would like to place a link.
  • Check them for broken links using SEMrush.
  • Determine what types of your content can be created or offered to swap the broken link.
  • Reach out to the website owners and offer your content as a replacement for the link that doesn’t work. They’ll probably be happy to agree.
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3. Do Digital PR

Digital PR is about using digital channels to promote a brand, product, or service. It includes activities such as:
  • content creation,
  • influencer marketing,
  • social media,
  • audience targeting.
Digital PR is a great way to build links to your website. How to do it? Create content that is of top-notch quality, share it on social media or other relevant channels, and encourage your target audience to act the same way. Make sure that these mentions include a link to your website. This way, you can not only boost your link profile but also improve brand recognition and reach more potential customers. Want to go even further? You can also contact influencers, and journalists or network with other industry experts and encourage them to spread the word about your content.
Want to learn more about digital PR? Check out our article: How to Use Digital PR as a Link Building Tactic

4. Write Guest Posts

Guest posting is a type of content marketing strategy in which a company or individual creates content for another website in order to gain exposure, backlinks, and drive traffic to their own website. The content can be anything, meaning blog posts, testimonials, product reviews, or even just a few sentences that can be quoted in e.g., an ebook. Guest posting effectively expands your reach and builds relationships with other websites and their readers. In addition to driving traffic to your page, it can also help to build your reputation as an industry expert and thought leader. How to get down to it? 1. Before you begin guest posting, you need to identify the target websites you would like to post on. Look for pages that have the same audience, are within your industry, and have a similar tone of voice. Do your research on Google. Use “guest post” + keywords that are of interest to you to find websites from your niche that accept guest posts or simply determine valuable sources and email them or send messages through contact forms. 2. Make sure that the website where you want to publish a guest post is thematically related to your page. Only then it can benefit your SEO, PR, and marketing efforts. 3. Check the parameters of the website using tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush. Be sure to pay special attention to elements like Domain Rating, URL Rating, the number of referring domains, visibility, and traffic. How to check these parameters? Simply enter your website URL into the search bar and you’ll see the metrics below: ahrefs checking website parameters 4. Reach out to the website owners and offer them a guest post. 5. Create high-quality content with links to your website. Use appropriate anchors. Make sure to write an article that is engaging and adds value for the website’s readers.

5. Exchange Links

When talking about outreach link building opportunities, we couldn’t forget about this method. Link exchange is an “agreement” between two websites to link to each other’s content. It's a great way to get more backlinks to your website without having to constantly reach out to numerous people or pay for sponsored articles. Such link-for-link cooperation is a simple way to gradually boost the link profile, network with industry experts, and reach new recipients on a regular basis. To get the most out of the link exchange, make sure to find websites that are related to your niche and have high-quality content. Also, pay attention to the parameters so that the backlinks don’t harm your website’s ranking. How to get down to it?
  • Find a website you’d like to obtain links from. Look for pages that are related to your niche and have good parameters.
  • Look for a specific article where you would like your link to be placed. Check its visibility and traffic.
  • Reach out to the website owners and offer them a link exchange. Tell them that they can get a link on your website wherever they like in exchange for a link from their website in your selected article.

6. Claim Unlinked Mentions

Link building outreach doesn’t have to mean creating new articles or updating your existing content. Sometimes other websites or people already refer to your content or offer but don’t provide a link to your page. As you can guess, it’s also a great opportunity to obtain valuable backlinks to your site at no cost. How to get down to it?
  • Set up alerts for your brand mentions and website to monitor when and where it's referred to online. For this purpose, you can use Google Alerts,, or other popular online tools.
  • When you find an unlinked mention, reach out to the website owner and ask them to link to your website.
  • Create content that is of value to the website’s readers. It’s the most effective way to encourage people to share your articles or other content pieces with their audiences. Thanks to it, your website will be mentioned more and more frequently.
Want to discover other methods of obtaining quality external links? Check out our ultimate guide!

Link Building Outreach Tips

You already know some of the white hatoutreach link building techniques. But what to focus on to maximize your chances of success? Check out our tips below:
  • Do your research well - when building links through outreach, it’s important to do your research. So, find out more about the website you want to collaborate with. Be sure to always check its metrics and parameters, such as Domain Rating, URL Rating, visibility, traffic, and backlink profile. Select pages that can actually benefit your SEO, are thematically related to your business, and will help you reach more potential customers.
  • Write personalized e-mails and make them intriguing - attract the attention of website owners by writing personalized messages with information about your product/service and its benefits. Explain why you’d like to start a collaboration with this particular website and mention the advantages for both parties. Also, try to make your message intriguing and gripping to encourage the addressee to learn more.
  • Try social media outreach - link building outreach isn’t only about e-mails. Social media is an effective way to reach out to people and businesses you want to collaborate with. Share your content, comment on their posts, and engage with their posts to get noticed. Network with specialists from your niche, message them, and offer cooperation like a link exchange. So, if you don’t have a LinkedIn or Facebook account yet, it’s time to set it up.
  • Create outstanding content that is linkable - good content is a must for link building outreach. People won’t link to low-quality articles, so write pieces that are informative, comprehensive, useful, and relevant. Also, work on your website design to make sure your content can be easily shared and referred to. Review your page and think about how you can improve UX.
  • Benefit from link building outreach tools like BuzzStream or BuzzSumo - these tools can save you a lot of time and effort. They have automated features that allow you to find websites that are worthy of collaboration and contact them easily. With their help, link building outreach gets easier and less time-consuming. However, to choose the right platforms, you need to verify their quality on your own. So, if you aren’t sure how to do it and what to pay attention to, you can benefit from our professional outreach link building services.
  • Analyze your results and progress - to stay up-to-date with your outreach link building efforts, track your results on an ongoing basis. Analyze the number of backlinks that you’ve managed to obtain and the impact they have on both SEO and your business goals. Try to measure the success of your campaigns, meaning their impact on your traffic, visibility, and sales. Monitor the available data to find areas for improvement and make your link building campaigns even more effective.

Link Building Outreach Strategies - The Takeaway

Link building outreach is a crucial aspect of SEO that helps to improve your website's ranking in the search results, reach more potential customers, and boost your traffic and recognition. By using the outreach techniques described in this article, you can acquire backlinks that will enhance your link profile and take your SEO efforts to the next level. Not sure where to start? Contact us today to find out how we can help you improve your link building efforts!
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Delante is an online marketing agency specialized in generating website traffic from search engines and paid ads (SEO / SEM). Over 80% of our clients are from rapidly growing e-commerce industry.


  1. This article provides excellent insights into the various outreach strategies that can be used to acquire backlinks. As link building plays a crucial role in improving website traffic and search engine rankings, it’s essential to have a well-planned outreach approach. The tips and techniques shared in this article can help bloggers and website owners develop effective link building strategies.

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